Entscheiden Sie sich an diesem Feiertag für Nüchternheit? Jüngere Erwachsene trinken weniger Alkohol



  1. Video games and social media.

    People see it’s fairly pointless with visibility online.

    And everyone play video games now.

    I always like good social gatherings with alcohol. But we didn’t have means to be in constant communication so when we got together alcohol helped people relax and socialise.

    Which it still will be around but kids know and see it’s dumb what we used to

  2. Bckfromthedead on

    Well don’t everyone worry my family and I willlllll be drinking for fun tho holiday 🥳

  3. cheesebrah on

    I just want to limit the weight gain. I dont drink much also because there is no public transit to get me home.

  4. Labatt raised the price of beer to stores 3 seperate times this year.

    Something that we were selling for 19.99 in January is 26.99 today.

    Wonder why people aren’t drinking.

  5. Frostsorrow on

    Drinking fucking expensive. A 1g marajuana vape card ridge lasts me a month+ and costs as little as about $20.

  6. ClownGirl_ on

    My family never drank on the holidays or any occasion really (dad is an alcoholic who got sober about 10 years before I was born) so I’ve never seen the appeal

  7. This-place-is-weird on

    Kids saying they don’t drink because it is expensive need to get their priorities straight.

  8. Ok_Cupcake9881 on

    Caffeine, nicotine, and weed are the vices of young adults these days. First two to get you through the day, last one to turn your brain off when it’s done.

  9. roberts_beef_sammys on

    Party and club culture is fading pretty quick, relative to previous generations. Not to say it’s non existent, but many eons ago, the house was boring and entertainment depended largely on people gathering, and alcohol was a pretty big part of that.
    Cost, sure probably. But alcohol starts as a social thing. And we are much much less social than we were even 20 years ago.

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