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Too bad that poor Tatars seem to pay the price to the fool! I wished it was Moscovites and St Petersburg’s to start receiving some coffins too…
Christmas gifts, from Putin with love.
Black Tulip all over again, except 10x the deaths
The transport is done in the midle of the night to try to hide the losses.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals
Merry Xmas you dumb Orcs!
Wanting to disguise everything at night – Russia in a nutshell
What about this mobile crematorias they acquired in 2014? Did they stop using it? Would be really convenient for them to use it to cover the losses
They have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have absolutely been found wanting.
Pooty lying AGAIN!?! Noooo 😂
This is good.
But the sad part isthat for every 6 russians soldiers that died, 1 ukrainians is lost :/ ukrainians are paying an extra big price in this fucking war.
So they have drivers for dozens of vans (and the vans itself). But why are they not using a few bigger trucks with trailers instead? That would be more efficient and less obivious. Or are they out of trucks (everything needed for the military) and have to relay on the tiny vans for low priority cargo? Does not look good for orcish logistics either way…
Orcs must be some kind of stupid, to not do anything against lie upon lie upon lie.
Their sons are dying and getting lims shot off in the thousands every week, in a war they did not ask for, and still they do NOTHING.
Tatars stop sending your children to die for your deranged czar!
Keep it up Ukraine no space for nazi Russians in this world good fertilizer for all
And just think, it would be a fair assessment that for each body they have collected there could be a dozen still rotting in the soil of Ukraine.
Most Orcs volunteer to kill Ukrainians for 💵, for every Orc sent home in a box is one less Orc in Ukraine but every Ukrainian or international killed or wounded for Russian vanity is a tragedy. Russia should forever wear the national shame of this war and never be allowed to talk their way out , Germany has worn the hair shirt for century, every Putin supporter should have Z on their forehead for a century, Captain Aldo Raine style.
Black tulip being real busy this war..
Job Security
People should have woken up back in the days when Putin addressed the public about the missing Kursk submarine and when his henchmen tried to silence that mother of one of the subamariners who publicly blamed him for the catastrophe of not saving their sons.
Lots of meat on the table for them to enjoy then.
All i want for christmas is ,you
And these are only the recovered ones
For every coffin that makes it back there must be 20 undocumented MIA & incapacitated. Prisoners, village alcoholics, mercenaries, unemployed 50-yr olds and poor, uneducated families there’s a ton of room for flubbing the numbers and scrimping out on benefits.
Fake …has to be….they dont care about the dead or the wounded….
Just some general bringing the dishwashers and washingmachines home ….hidden in caskets 😛