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  1. MaximusM50 on

    Why Did the Assault Escalate?

    A tragic incident occurred in Ebetsu City, Hokkaido, where a male university student died after being brutally assaulted by a group of people.

    A 20-year-old woman, who has been charged with crimes including “robbery leading to death,” spoke to UHB (Universal Broadcasting).

    “I did something bad to the victim; I should have stopped,” she said.

    Defendants Kawamura (left) and Yagihara (right)

    In October 2024, a university student, Tomoya Hase, was assaulted by a group and died in Ebetsu City. The woman charged with “robbery leading to death” and other crimes is Yone Kawamura.

    The incident was reportedly triggered by a relationship dispute between Hase and Kawamura’s friend, Ama Yagihara.

    Why did the assault continue for such an extended period? For the first time, Kawamura answered questions from the press.

    “When the assault started, I should have stopped, but I couldn’t because I was afraid of what might happen to me,” she explained.

    She also expressed remorse: “I’m sorry for causing trouble to my parents.”

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