19-jähriger Mann in Brighton „vergewaltigt“ – während die Polizei CCTV-Bilder auf der Suche nach Verdächtigen veröffentlicht


Von topotaul


  1. overgirthed-thirdeye on

    Glad to see that Sky News’ journalism is ‘unbiased’ when it comes to reporting sexual violence across genders.

  2. Intrepid_Solution194 on

    Why is raped in air quotes for this headline?

    I get that there’s a whole process to go through before the facts are confirmed but I don’t recall seeing air quotes before on similar stories.

  3. True-Horse353 on

    Wow, they actually put raped in quotation marks like that’s not a thing.

  4. ImJustARunawaay on

    It always seems somewhat more terrifying when two of these people band together. Like, how does that fucking conversation come about.

  5. rasberrycroissant on

    What a weird headline to use quotes on. I get that it’s alleged but there had to have been a way to phrase it that sounded less dubiousof the poor guy 🙁

  6. Salty_Nutbag on

    Do people not like quotation marks these days?
    What’s the new way to quote something?

    Edit: Still waiting for the new method of quoting dialogue.
    Or have we as a society abandoned the whole concept of quoting speech?

  7. rapscallion05 on

    Suspect on the left looks like an evil version of Count Von Count from Sesame Street. C*nt von C*nt

  8. Wooden-Bookkeeper473 on

    I’ll never understand how rapist’s actually get it up to do the dirty deed. Suppose it doesn’t work at that moment?

    All very fucked up obvs.

  9. A lot of people in this comment section are very “concerned” about the man that was raped.

  10. Full-Individual670 on

    Amazes me how shit the quality off cctv pictures are this day in age.

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