Trump nimmt Europa auf die Liste der US-Handelspartner, denen er mit Zöllen droht


  1. ahh yes. lets hamper trade with our closest allies because they dont want to buy more of our goods.

  2. Professional-Crab713 on

    Next he will threaten to leave NATO if other members dont buy more from the US 🙄

  3. dan1eln1el5en2 on

    Oh master of protectionism. Let’s see his fans in a while when inflation will be insane.

  4. This blithering idiot is in such a silo if he actually believes his own ramblings will do anything other than further damage my country.

  5. With nothing in place to replace the imported goods with locally made, all this bluster is going to do is amuse the world and bankrupt families

  6. Why? Don’t you like unbridled capitalism? Don’t you like the strong invisible hand of the market working towards ever higher efficiencies hmmm? Free markets? Competitiveness? No?

  7. Adodgybadger on

    And Europe is getting very tired of our bipolar neighbour across the pond. Personally, I would be happy to be much less reliant on all things regarding the US.

  8. 011101012101 on

    Does he want a relationship with any nation beside Russia?

    He’s really going the isolationist route.

  9. Isolationism worked so well we had 2 world wars because of it. Also Great Depression. Almost like being connected to the world is a benefit

  10. RayHorizon on

    Good. I think Europe needs a little push to be more independent. Im a European and i hate the idea that rUSA can think that they can blackmail us.

  11. bandwagonguy83 on

    Transcript of the soeech:
    “Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, Europe has been treating us very unfairly, very unfairly. They send us their fancy cheeses, their sparkling waters—some people say they’re the best, I don’t know—and what do we get? Nothing! It’s a disaster, folks. So, I’m announcing bigly tariffs, the biggest you’ve ever seen, on all European goods. We’ll make so much money, your heads will spin. Our economy will grow tenfold, maybe even twentyfold—nobody knows more about economics than me, believe me. And the Europeans, they’ll come begging, begging like you’ve never seen, to buy our American-made pizzas and hotdogs. It’s going to be tremendous, just tremendous. Thank you, and God bless America!”

  12. ThePrettyGoodGazoo on

    Trump is the Oprah of tariffs…
    You get a tariff, you get a tariff, you get a tariff….you all get tariffs!!!
    Groceries won’t come down and the cost of most home goods will go back to the late 80s when a VCR was $1000.
    Trump voters, who rank amongst some of the most economically depressed in the nation, have got to be some of the dumbest people in existence.

  13. There is hope that once he starts doing stupid shit that business leaders will rein him in. He uses the stock market as a litmus test. While we know that the stock market is not representative of how healthy a society is, it’s the best thing we have to work with until at least 2026 when there is hope for new elections.

  14. He’s like an annoying 5 year old that learned a new word and now doesn’t stop putting it in every sentence they say.

  15. Divest some of those lucrative subsidies our taxes go towards paying the fossil industry. Ramp up renewables instead. Start becoming more energy independent. Quit being beholden to the US, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. And don’t let China race ahead of us to become a green energy superpower so we are beholden to them.

  16. Dexter_McThorpan on

    Trump is a fucking embarrassment. Stupidity on top of incompetence wrapped in ineptitude and garnished with a great big smear of greed.

  17. Valuable-Ad3975 on

    The US exports over 3 trillion dollars a year in goods and services, if the free world decides not to do business with the US their economy will crash, Trump should watch what he wishes for

  18. The United States is rapidly developing a reputation as a bad trading partner and unreliable ally.

  19. Is there a TrumpBlocker browser addon or some shit… I don’t to listen to this demented man for 4 more years every day

  20. Maybe he should buy Europe. That could be a thing, right? Has anyone asked President Leon for a comment?

  21. Viliam_the_Vurst on

    Nearly all of germanies automobile industry is producing in the us, unbeknownst to trump

  22. KathyJaneway on

    Okay, but Europe can sustain itself without US. Who will US trade with then? Already threatened Mexico and Canada, tariffs on China are already there, so US will trade with whom, South America and Africa? Good luck with that.

  23. shaolinspunk on

    Who looks at North Korea’s economic isolation and thinks “I’ll have me some of that.”

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