Trudeau könnte bleiben oder gehen. In jedem Fall sollten sich die Kanadier auf eine Frühjahrswahl einstellen


  1. atticusfinch1973 on

    I would love a spring election. I would love a February election. Anything to get this government gone as soon as possible and start something that hopefully will be better than what we’re getting now.

  2. sleipnir45 on

    Those guys posting on every poll that there’s no election until October 2025 will be very upset

  3. ScooperDooperService on

    You know whats more annoying than the current government…

    The 19 posts a day, about the current government.

  4. VisualFix5870 on

    There is a subtle, dark form of manipulation and control of this government that doesn’t get talked about much. First they bribed our media with $600M. Then they worked to pass Internet controls (bill C-63), control our access to guns, control our access to certain media (bill C-18), make us hate ourselves by calling our country genocidal and then materially altering the appearance and culture of our country through mass immigration.

    I don’t believe he will leave until the last minute. He has made it pretty clear through so much of his work that he is serving someone other than Canadians.

  5. ghost_n_the_shell on

    This government will fall at the next opportunity.

    If they are smart, they will prorogue and pick a new leader.

    The longer the prorogue – the more support they will bleed.

  6. ghost_n_the_shell on

    This government will fall at the next opportunity.

    If they are smart, they will prorogue and pick a new leader.

    The longer the prorogue – the more support they will bleed.

  7. Hot_Cheesecake_905 on

    “Brace” more like rejoice for a spring election. Meanwhile, CNN’s front page is talking about a US expansion into Canada….

  8. FriendlyBrother9660 on

    I hope Trudeaus legacy as PM is terrible and he regrets what hes done for the rest of his life.

  9. FalseWitness4907 on

    Brace? The decision is clear. NDP/Lib will be voted out of existence. Lets fucking go already.

  10. eagleeye1031 on

    People egging on Trudeau to leave as if everything is going to magically get better with PP lol.

    I hope I’m wrong but, aside from “axing the tax”, I have not seen PP come up with one thing he actually wants to do.

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