In Russland erhalten Rentner Anrufe mit der Aufforderung, Brandstiftung zu begehen – Autos, Geldautomaten und Polizeistationen wurden angegriffen. In Brjansk wurde ein 76-Jähriger von „FSB-Agenten“ angewiesen, ein Auto als Signal für Hubschrauber anzuzünden. Dies verdeutlicht, wie Propaganda kritisches Denken untergräbt und Gehorsam fördert.
I’d laugh, but it would work here to.
He seems experienced, most Russians stand way too close and go up in flames with whatever they’re burning.
I am hoping the Ukrainians will really amp this up in the future. Offer big money online to anyone prepared to carry out acts of sabotage inside ruZZia.
In orcville crazy things happen. putin has trained his people so well that they do not have common sense.
Why don’t to burn helicopters as a signal for cars instead…? 🤔
Personally, I love this.
Or he just didn’t like his neighbour! /s
Blind obedience.
and surprise was the helicopter actually came to pick him up.
The best part is that if Russia starts warning about false orders they’ll cause people to question the real ones.
A country of Zombies behaving like Zombies?
Well well well.
Oh, that is good!
I doubt this is happening in any real numbers
There have been a bunch of these incidents for over a year now. If this doesn’t prove how fucking stupid, dangerously gullible and destructive the orc is I don’t know what will.
Ukraine has issues with the real FSB paying teenagers to burn Ukrainian equipment but they are just greedy traitors who should be hung not given some 8 year maximum sentence.. They don’t think they are setting equipment on fire to signal helicopters. Lol.
Maybe they are into pyrotechnics…
Sleeper agents!
I always knew they are true! 😂
Repeat after me: You are not immune to propaganda.
I don’t understand. What’s the context here? Why would they instruct them to do that?
Russian version of r/BoomersBeingFools