Tech-Bosse drohen mit Gefängnis, da die Regierung den Zugang von Kindern zu sozialen Medien unterbindet

    Von topotaul


    1. And yet water companies bosses still get a free pass to dump shit in the rivers

    2. Salty_Nutbag on

      Funny that “dangerous stunts” is included on the list of harms.
      This entire thing is a dangerous stunt.

    3. I find everyone changing the subject to water companies are kinda missing the point.

      Look through my post history if you want to see my thoughts on the water companies… Tl;Dr I’m not fucking happy, but there are real talking points here and it’s a governments job to deal with more than one thing at a time.

      Anyone with kids will tell you how much social media is changing the way they live compared to 20-30 years ago, it’s insane how quickly they have to grow up and learn to deal with adult emotions, adult content, critical thinking.

      These kids are the future of our country and social media is playing an active role in controlling how they think.

      AND YES of course it is the parents job to keep them safe and educate them, but there is reality and then there is ideal reality. You don’t have to be a smart, responsible person to have kids and we’re never going to improve baseline without government oversight.

    4. RedWineDrunk_Randy on

      Why are all the first comments people complaining about other problems?

      I hate the water companies too but people do realise there’s always going to be more than one problem to deal with at any given time, right?

      Protecting children should always be near the top of everybody’s priorities. If your argument is that we should ignore social media damage on children’s mental health until your water bills come down you’re a fucking idiot.

    5. cozyHousecatWasTaken on

      I support the idea that children shouldn’t be using social media but I also acknowledge that the government is absolutely clueless on how any of this actually works.

    6. ProfessionalCar2774 on

      Going to be as successful as the folks who wanted to grill musk here in the UK

    7. WebDevWarrior on

      >Tech bosses threatened with jail

      I always enjoy this “Britain still rules the world damnit” mentality that the foamy mouth patriots always like to scream from their soap-boxes. The fact remains that the United Kingdom does not operate or own a single social media company of any significant size so therefore it has no legal powers over the acts of an individual living outside its own borders.

      Sure they could drag the bosses at UK offices to jail as a representation of their “might” (but for the safety of their staff the companies would simply close all their offices and employ mass redundancies as a solution).

      They could also attempt extradition, but we couldn’t even get Harry Dunn’s killer pulled over here (and after all of our so-called amazing “soft-power” all she got after years of pushing for a trial, got a suspended sentance so waddled away scott-free). If a clown who can’t be arsed to drive on the right side of the road because it’s unamerican can murder in public and skip into the sunset, do you really think America or China are going to allow their wealthiest citizens (with godlike influence and power) to be put in the clink on some has-been island that cut itself off from its greatest power partner because of a loud mouth spouting bullshit with a pint in his hand?

      Don’t get me wrong, social media in general is a parasite, and toxic, and we could do worse than just blanket ban the lot of them for peace and quiet. But us waving our fists and claiming from thousands of miles away “we’ll get you good, we have OfCom” is fucking hilarious.

    8. pair-of-white-crocs on

      Every single nation should just collectively ignore the United Kingdom.

    9. IronOk4090 on

      Why can’t parents just remove smartphones from children? Will teach them mindfulness a lot more.

    10. Previous_Soil_5144 on

      Funny that we’re so quick and willing to block access to social media for children, but without ever addressing the problem with social media or why it is bad in the first place.

      Because that would mean admitting that the profit motive at all costs is maybe not a sustainable way to conduct any business.

      It would mean admitting that the last half century of economic growth was based on a lie that allowed the rich to get richer while dropping all the costs and problems on society’s door step.

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