Ein russisches Schiff der Oboronlogistics, das seit 2022 unter US-Sanktionen stand, ist im Mittelmeer gesunken. Es transportierte russische Ausrüstung aus Syrien



  1. Ooki_Jumoku on

    I wonder what made it sink.

    This feels like the shipping version of falling out of a window or a smoking accident

  2. Spanish authorities have officially confirmed that the Russian cargo ship MV Ursa Major has sunk.

    The vessel sank during the night, mariners in the area are advised to keep an eye on the wreckage. Geolocation 36.463889, -0.895555

  3. praetorian1111 on

    If it’s full of oil, I hate seeing it happen. If it’s full of equipment worth hauling from Syria, great news and repeat please.

  4. Mental_Sentence_6411 on

    Russians are the best contributors for coral reefs in the past years

  5. News reports stated that it had left St. Petersburg and was on its way to Vladivostok though.

  6. jimbozzzzz on

    “Carrying Russian equipment from Syria” is the icing on the cake

  7. Med looks nice for this time of year, guess the crew hadn’t had a holiday and this was a quick way to enjoy that crisp, clean water…

  8. Klutzy-Chain5875 on

    It will be reported on Russian state TV ” due to extreme sea conditions “.

  9. LeadershipExternal58 on

    Unfortunately as I know it was on its way to Syria to load on the ruSSian military equipment

  10. Diligent_Emotion7382 on

    Wtf are they doing with these piles of metal? No Russian ship should be allowed to sail close to Europe.
    This amounts to actively damaging Nature by sinking scrap metal filled with oil.
    Fuck the dictatorship RuZZia.

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