Ein US-Apache-Hubschrauber verwüstet mutmaßliche irakische Aufständische. Ursprünglich gezeigt am 9. Januar 2004.



  1. goobdoopjoobyooberba on

    Remind me to not poke my head out when an apache is trying to kill me. Just let me be happy in my new home under a truck or wherever

  2. Noob question: why can’t/haven’t ukraine used these vs Russia? They always seem very efficient

  3. Playful-Depth2578 on

    Man got to admire the Apache , the guys probably can’t even hear the chopper let alone see it just minding you business going about your day and the world around you just implodes

  4. omicronian_express on

    Iraqi insurgents defending invaders into their country? IF we ever get invaded, you better not fight back because then you’ll be an insurgent and deserve your death on youtube.

    I was part of the invasion… Biggest regret of my life.

  5. dudesn1ghtout on

    I assume the helicopter is just hovering in the distance here?

  6. meatloaf_beetloaf on

    Probably will be a closed casket funeral if I was to guess

  7. MixMastaMiz on

    Am I correct in saying these insurgents were actually local farmers and turned out to be civilian casualties?

    Maybe I’m thinking of different footage🤔

  8. Roaminsooner on

    Anyone remember Apacheclips? It’s crazy how many of these vids were out back in the day.

  9. Incredible weapon system. 500 meters is close, but also pretty far away when you consider the precision achieved using high caliber rounds fired consecutively. I mean it’s an auto cannon mounted beneath a moving helicopter aimed and compensated for recoil, flight attitude, gunner inputs and environmental conditions, and is just mind bogglingly precise.

    Oh and that would suck to be those guys. Never had a chance.

  10. GeneHackman1980 on

    This video introduced the majority of the civilian world to FLIR Apache footage.

  11. Oh wow, this is from really back in the day. Wasn’t this first published in 2006? I think I was first told it’s age back in what, 2010 or so?

    No, I’m not criticizing the OP for posting it. It’s just that I realized how amazed I am at how long this has been circulating.

  12. No-Emu-7513 on

    I remember when this first came out, during the Liveleak days…

  13. Several-County-1808 on

    Please give Ukraine some Apaches. We need more Apache footage.

  14. RepulsiveCow8626 on

    I remember to run as fast as i can when this happens amd not hide behind the nearest thing.

  15. NARL_Cunning on

    I wonder what the ROE was here. It seems like – at least initially the gunner is deliberately not trying to hit the vehicles unless it’s absolutely necessary.

    The last “confirmed kill” seems like it was more to hit the truck and less to hit the guy in the field without obviously lighting up the truck. I could be reading wayyyy to far into it though.

  16. >V1 : “Movement right there”

    >V2 : “Roger, he’s wounded-”

    >V1: “Hit him!”

    >*Fires away*

    >V2: “…Roger”

    Damn, that’s brutal…

  17. PenileAbortion on


    But for real, what is the distance on this helo?

    How does the enemy not hear it and think, “Let’s lay low for sec”

    I have to assume it’s firing a cartridge at about 8-900 m/s

    Reaching its target in about half of that. (Idk I’m just guessing)

    You’d think one would hear a bird chillin’ in the air even at 1km away.

    Would that not raise some concern for anyone in the area?

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