If you ask the Chinese government, nothing happened 😂
Infinite-Process7994 on
Nothing to see here, move along.
Sreg32 on
From the article quoting Chinese govt… China is a country governed by the rule of law, and strictly safeguards citizens’ rights to lawfully express their concerns and provide opinions or suggestions..
LOL! As long as you go along with whatever they say, you’re golden. Otherwise a beat down or say goodbye. Thankfully no tanks were used this time
StKilda20 on
The BBC is just western media. This can’t be verified either./s
Dry-Season-522 on
This. This is why you want an armed populace. When the government can just come beat you if you’re being inconvenient to those in power…
If you ask the Chinese government, nothing happened 😂
Nothing to see here, move along.
From the article quoting Chinese govt… China is a country governed by the rule of law, and strictly safeguards citizens’ rights to lawfully express their concerns and provide opinions or suggestions..
LOL! As long as you go along with whatever they say, you’re golden. Otherwise a beat down or say goodbye. Thankfully no tanks were used this time
The BBC is just western media. This can’t be verified either./s
This. This is why you want an armed populace. When the government can just come beat you if you’re being inconvenient to those in power…
Damn that’s a lot of pent up anger
fucking disgusting cunts