Zwei russische Soldaten töten sich, nachdem sie von ukrainischen Drohnengranaten getroffen wurden. In der Nähe von Kurachowe, Dezember 2024

Von jisooya1432


  1. Mysterious-Mixture58 on

    Seems like not a good idea to have soldiers so ideologically brainwashed that they rush to kill themselves when wounded.

  2. man_of_the_aids_88 on

    RIP soldiers. 🙁 I pray for every russian that they will win soon .

  3. Creepy-Amoeba3500 on

    Surprises me the number of people running around a hot zone without a round already in the chamber.

  4. Grimmisgod123 on

    0 will to live. This is really really bad. Not even a thought of trying to find help or survive as long as possible. Brutal.

  5. Pulling the grenade pin with your teeth is not a good idea, not like it will matter anymore for that guy.

  6. Doors_N_Corners on

    As I watch you die from across the world, I wonder… what did you die for ?

  7. That is so fucking sad. They were probably forced to the front line at gunpoint. They probably wanted nothing to do with this war, but were born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  8. Turbulent_Ad_4579 on

    Since nobody else has done it yet. 

    /u/false-god I summon you. 

    A two for one special.

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