Das Einlegen von Urlaubsresten in den Gefrierschrank verlängert die Haltbarkeit und könnte der Tendenz in den USA, essbare Lebensmittel wegzuwerfen, Einhalt gebieten, so eine Studie. Nationale Umfragedaten zeigten einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Einfrieren zu Hause und einer geringeren Lebensmittelverschwendung, und mehr als die Hälfte der Verbraucher gaben an, Tiefkühlprodukte zu kaufen, um das Wegwerfen von Lebensmitteln zu vermeiden.
Abstract of article published in the British Food Journal: [https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/bfj-02-2024-0147/full/html](https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/bfj-02-2024-0147/full/html)
Never let titles like this convince you that individual consumers are the primary source of food waste in the US. The majority of food that is wasted is thrown out because it would not be ‘profitable’ to keep
Keeping leftover food in a fridge to eat later?
I am from Africa, what does the rest of the world use the fridges for? We keep water and beer there too, because cold water and beer is nice, but mostly uneaten food.
Say what? We’re 2024 and Americans just found out they can store food in the freezer and use it later? Tell me I’m misreading this. Because in my country, we often cook more than needed for 1 meal, so we can put it in the freezer and use it for later meals.
Are you kidding me? That’s why I do it. I’ll raid your house for leftovers and then eat work lunches like a king for the next two weeks.
Some foods do not freeze well if you want certain properties (that they had prior to freezing) to be retained after thawing.
I am afraid to try freezing my bell peppers and cucumbers because I don’t want them to become mush once I have thawed them. I like to eat them while they are crunchy and uncooked.
They are also the main victims of mold in my house, despite being in the fridge, because I have to be in the mood to eat them. I guess I could try freezing them and test the results.
freezing turkey was always the norm in my family