Mann wegen Video inhaftiert, in dem er drohte, die English Defence League „wegzublasen“.

Von cennep44


  1. So… The two-tier justice system looks a little bit like a regular old one-tier justice system?

  2. Pinhead_Larry30 on

    Look at this guy’s face, you can’t argue they aren’t integrating now.

  3. RaymondBumcheese on

    Feels like there is some kind of Thunderdome type solution in there somewhere

  4. Is he… is he wearing circle lenses?

    Those are fucking cosplay lenses on his eyes! 

  5. MintCathexis on

    Dude wears anime lenses and waves AK47 around while threatening to blow things up. So the average 4chan user?

  6. BritishPlebeian on

    EDL hasn’t been active for a decade. Plonker got 2 years for threatening his imagination.

  7. Inglorious555 on

    I’m not even going to click the article but I can’t help but think he’s got the perfect face for a Bond Villain

  8. Ayup you unbelieving kuffar
    bastards – I’m gonna turn ya
    baked beanz!

  9. Lonely_Sherbert69 on

    Holy contacts batman why is he wearing them!? Also violence will not be tolerated, it will only make things worse.

  10. FuckleBerryFerry on

    I once blew the EDL away.
    I told them Race is a Social Construct.
    Then read some chapters from Redi Eddo-Lodge
    mixed in with some of Limmy’s Daft Wee Stories.
    All done in a Scottish accent.
    Nothing out of the ordinary.
    It was just a standard visit to my local Brewdog.

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