Leicht interessant: Mein Kind wird bald, nächsten Sommer, in die Grundschule gehen. Grundschulen in Deutschland (und auch andere Schularten) haben keine Schließfächer.

    Mein Kind wird in der Grundschule etwa 2-5 kg ​​in seinem Rucksack tragen, dazu kommt noch das Gewicht des Rucksacks selbst. Mein Kind wird etwa 20-25 kg wiegen, wenn es in die Schule kommt.

    Ein Rucksack kann zwischen 150 und 700 Euro kosten und wiegt je nach Ausstattung zwischen 0,8 und 1,7 kg. Da das alles zu schwer ist, gibt es, ähnlich wie bei Wanderrucksäcken, einen Hüftgurt (separat erhältlich), um das Gewicht auf die Hüften zu verteilen.

    Die Landesregierung (in meinem Fall Bayern) gibt vor, dass ein Rucksack mit Inhalt nicht mehr als 10-15 % des Gewichts des Kindes wiegen darf. Im Anhang finden Sie ein Foto einer Herstellerbroschüre.


    Von FreakeyDE


    1. MechGundam on

      I never knew and that there is a supporting belt and personally I never seen one in public either, interesting.

    2. Nothing changed from times when I was a scholar. Caring 5+ kilos every day back and forth.
      But I finished school in 2004 and it was in Ukraine.

    3. Babayagaletti on

      You don’t really need a locker in elementary school. You have a fixed classroom and you usually have a shelf under your desk where you can store books and such. So the backpack is only to transport books you need at home between home and school.

    4. haselnusschwarzbraun on

      Now what? Like you said these things are build like hiking backpacks and help to distribute the weigh. Thats good.
      Even the TK Krankenkasse states that 10-15% of the weight can be ok. Yes it sounds much. But based upon the fact that most moms use their Vorstadtpanzer to drive their kids as close as they can to the school, the kids carry their backpacks for not more than 10 minutes. Maybe 20 minutes a day.

      And… back in my days. The backpacks we got where shit as fuck. Google for some leather school bags from between 1970 and 1980. Those where hell.

    5. Please_send_baguette on

      The bonkers thing is they don’t have homework and don’t bring home their books; the humongous backpack is strictly used to carry their lunchbox. 

    6. When I was in school, our satchels had a built-in scale (everybody basically had that same Scout model, in different colors) which would tell us they were too heavy. That was just the way it was, and it looks like it has not changed.

    7. Individual_Author956 on

      When I went to primary school, I had some basic backpack that cost maybe 10 EUR and it lasted me several years. No hip support or anything, but that’s a nice touch. A 700 EUR backpack would’ve bankrupted my family, lmao. Somehow I struggle to believe that you actually *need* an expensive backpack (if you can afford it, sure, why not).

    8. Postcard_Girl on

      My mother was also worried about the weight of the bag. I dont remember the exact weight, but I’m pretty sure 5 kg is about right. I got a little contraption with wheels, where my bag was strapped to so I could easily drag it behind me. I actually wasn’t the only kid, I’m pretty sure other kids got jelous.

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