Geldstrafen gegen Big Tech zu verhängen, funktioniert nicht. Lassen Sie sie illegal ausgebildete LLMs als Public Domain verschenken


  1. robustofilth on

    Fines do work if they are substantial enough. A billion a day along with 50% of all profits would be a start.

  2. These people donate 1 million to Trump as a fealty gift. The fines are pointless.

  3. WTFwhatthehell on

    Apply it to all copyrighted works.

    If a billion dollar film includes some copyrighted picture in the background from someone who didn’t give permission. Boom, the whole film is suddenly public domain. Did some copyrighted closed-source code sneak into a copyleft codebase? Boom, public domain. now the whole thing is simply public domain, no need for a GPL.

  4. IcyDetectiv3 on

    We haven’t even fined them yet because the LLMs have yet to be found as illegal though?

  5. That’s dumb that wouldn’t solve anything, the models should be destroyed

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