Trump sagt, die USA sollten Grönland übernehmen und droht mit der Übernahme des Panamakanals

Von WorkingPart6842


  1. SinisterCheese on

    They are aware that Greenland is part of Denmark… and Denmark is part of Nato?

  2. CaptchaSolvingRobot on

    So he wants a world where the strong can take what they want?

    We should have a word for that.

  3. By that logic the british should take over the US again.. They can’t make it worse than Trump gonna do it.

  4. The journalists should ask him plainly whether he prepares a military operation against Panama and Denmark. No more treating this fuck like an insane grandpa during the family gathering.

  5. CraftsyDad on

    Everybody seems to forget how trump operates. He doesn’t like what’s being reported so says something completely outlandish to get everybody’s tongues wagging and to change the topic. I’m old enough to remember him talking of buying Greenland FFS

  6. He took one look at his boss Putin, and thought “Why not? Why shouldn’t I?”.

    The thing is he’s not entirely kidding. He loves to put these out there to test the waters and normalize the idea.

  7. Redditforgoit on

    You can see Putin’s influence. This is more than kompromat, having dirt on him. Trump was a builder, someone with a distaste for war, his only redeeming quality. Now he shares the land grabbing, 19th century style imperialistic ambitions of the Russian president. Trump is clearly impressed by Putin’s Ukraine “operation”. And no more being surrounded by generals telling him why any of them are bad, costly ideas.

  8. WTF is going on everyone is losing the plot.

    This starts to look like a damn free for all

  9. Greenland should be their own sovereign country, not some orange impotent halfwit’s wet dream

  10. The man is a official lunatic and I wonder if he is allowed by his master, Leon Skum, to say such stupid things. Leon Skum should know to the far-right parties in Europe are against this kind of land-grabbing (I suppose). Oh the Dutch want Nieuw Amsterdam back from those downgraded british occupants, then can we demolish Trump Tower, Those chaps in the dominions must behave.

  11. MyIdoloPenaldo on

    The EU needs to adopt the French approach when it comes to the Americans; a good ally, but cannot be relied upon.

    Europe needs to be strong enough to exist without the USA, economically, militarily and politically. Trump wont be the last idiot they elect. We cannot rely on them

  12. At this point I have the feeling that the US is transforming into Russia tbh…

  13. So we’ll keep making full scale articles about every dumb idea he improvises in his rambling speeches…

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