[OC] Größte politische Partei in jedem Wahlkreis bei den norwegischen Kommunalwahlen 2023

Von Globeraphy


  1. Regarding the five districts without data in Elverum, they were counted along with the district of Hernes, according to [the official election log for Elverum.](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.elverum.kommune.no/files/Kommunestyre-Valgstyrets_motebok_3420_2023-09-13-Endelig.pdf)

    For that reason, you should probably have Hernes down as «insufficient data», as there’s data, but you can’t know if Arbeiderpartiet was the most popular in Hernes or if it is due to the votes from the other five districts. Another solution would be to merge Hernes and the five districts without data, call them one district, and label them with Arbeiderpartiet.

  2. Red and not so red and a bit red. And three greens and three blue.

    Hard to read no Map**Porn**. But in it’s core still very interesting.

  3. Intelligent-Rip-184 on

    Norway looks like as a sperm I think that when I look at the Norwegian map 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🙂

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