Das russische Frachtschiff Sparta, das Waffen und militärische Ausrüstung der russischen Streitkräfte aus Syrien transportiert, ist auf See kaputt gegangen.



  1. Nice looking ship, it would look better on the bottom. Someone needs to plan how to make that happen.

  2. Hate do disappoint. Personally I would’ve also loved her to drift onto some riff and sink. But as things stand, if you track the ships live location, the ship is no longer anywhere near Portugal, has passed into the Med and is currently south of Spain. She seems to be doing fine (unfortunately) and what problem she had, if any, has been fixed.


    PS: she also departed in Kaliningrad and is heading to Egypt, not Syria?

  3. TheRealAussieTroll on


    (Russian version = ends up in a hole)

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