Schämen Sie sich, dass Sie diesen fremden Kindern nicht das Gefühl geben, zu Hause zu sein. Scherz beiseite, was hat es mit der Aussage auf sich, dass man hier keine Haarprodukte finden kann?

Von CrystaSera


  1. MaterialCare3342 on

    live in vastly majority white country for centuries, be upset you cant find a very specific shade of makeup/ specific hair products produced for a very specific type of hair ^^’ asnwering your question. black people have hair with completely different structure than white people hair, so living in mostly white country it will be hard to find a very specific hair product that will help style/clean their hair. i think

  2. No-Bodybuilder-8519 on

    OP’s description says he “loves Polish girls”. we don’t like you back

  3. CavemanMork on

    Yeah this is dumb as fuck, no shit you can’t find hair products and makeup in a 99% white country.

    The internet exists and you can ship that from anywhere.

    It sucks that they feel the need to carry pepper spray and get slurs thrown at them though.

    Personally I feel far safer in Poland than in London, and have very rarely it ever felt in any physical danger. But I’m not black, or a woman.

    Edit, slurs, not sluts, would love to have sluts thrown at me.

  4. LowCall6566 on

    First of all, why is this video in English?
    Second, the only time someone in this video speaks polish, there is a very noticeable accent. And all of them do not speak English with a slavic accent. So they are not native. Why are they surprised that they are treated like foreigners?

  5. Ok-Palpitation2401 on

    The “off course” part is kinda racist. Theoretically if someone said “they’re black, of course they’re [something negative here]” everyone would lose their shorts. Kind of nasty. I wonder if they’re students subsidized by our taxes and if so if they plan to make a video showing gratitude?

  6. Numerous_Team_2998 on

    If you start your sentence with “everybody thinks that…” the chances that you are wrong are close to 100%.

  7. Had_to_ask__ on

    I don’t know what your problem is and if you’re somehow offended on my behalf, but this video seems like a reasonable way of communicating the obstacles they encounter. What do you want to stir exactly?

  8. MrTamboMan on

    Yeah, it’s not like any other country has racists or older people that do the same. And it’s not like native polish people can feel safe around some “patola” people or not having stare baby staring at you if you look just a bit unusual. And we always can find quality cosmetics or clothes if we’re just a bit non-standard shape, height or have some specific skin requirements.
    There is this thing called internet where you can buy things you need.

    PS: you complain about the afro on your ID photo. Dude, we can’t even have a slight smile here for ID pic, the fuck you talk about.

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