Genug Wasser, um Billionen der Ozeane der Erde zu füllen, die im Weltraum gefunden wurden und einen Quasar umkreisen


  1. xWhatAJoke on

    Unfortunately they found it is already contaminated with microplastics

  2. Gilly_the_kid on

    The scale of this stuff blows my mind. We’re this tiny little nothing.

  3. sineseeker on

    Did not read the article and this may be a horribly ignorant question, but any chance of life somewhere in there? or would that quasar just bleach everything?

  4. News like this is cool but its also like saying $50,000 found floating near the sun! Like ah thats nice and exists!

  5. Sounds like a beautiful sci-fi movie waiting to happen. A disc ocean around a star, no planet, just life vibing in an ocean with stars all around. I wonder how dense the water is.

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