Mit „Khorumi“, dem georgischen Tanz, nach Europa: Hunderte Demonstranten tanzen in den Straßen von Tiflis

Von 1LomU3


  1. itisnotstupid on

    Great for short videos and all….and I know what I will say might be wrong, but I wish a bit more radical and tough people can get involved in the protests.

    It seems like all across Europe we have the same situation – the liberal leftists who protest peacefully against a system with people who are ready to draw blood, corrupt and attack. I fully understand why normal people with families don’t want to go and destroy and attack but yeah, it seems like the ”democratic” approach of cute dances, creative posters and and all that is never doing anything. At least in my country it never did.

  2. We cling to countries that don’t want to be part of Europe and despise and abuse us, such as Hungary or Slovakia, but turn our backs to these people who appreciate us and would want nothing more than to be part of our alliance. It makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. TheCoolDude69 on

    I cannot wait to welcome our Georgian brothers and sisters in the Union ❤️

  4. Designer-Junket-8461 on

    Танцуйте. Укропы тоже много танцевали

  5. Any violent escalation for a small nation like Georgia will lead to greater alienation and division among the people and will benefit a single-party government rather than the citizens. However, this is just my opinion

  6. TheGodEmperorOfChaos on

    Glad for them, but this is an absolute shit crop of the video.

  7. anal-inspector on

    Dang, I was listening to Meshuggah and saw this video with knights in armor marching in Tbilisi. Seemed hella ominous and awesome. THE PEOPLE ARE MARCHING. Like a clockwork. Like a Koloss.

    edit: I mean I thought I was them wearing chainmails. I dunno. My eyes bad.

  8. With the georgian flag as capes they look like crusaders from the teutonic order xD

  9. Genesisbk1spain on

    Another war? But what is this? Stop screwing over Europeans. Who is behind all this? First they screwed over Ukraine, they are screwing over German industry, you are destroying farmers all over Europe, crazy climate policies, woke movements destroying our culture. I am fed up with this Europe.

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