Chrystia Freeland wird von einigen liberalen Abgeordneten als Nachfolgerin von Justin Trudeau bezeichnet, falls dieser zurücktritt


    1. miramichier_d on

      No more coronations please. Liberals need an outsider to even begin repairing their toxic brand. They also need to purge a lot of their top level staffers. Will they do this? Of course not! This is why I’m perfectly fine putting this out in the open. No one is stopping this train from running off the cliff.

    2. CanadaHousingCrisis on

      This party is such an echo chamber. It is so insular they have lost any connection to the vast majority of canadians at this point. I even saw some saying sean fraser should be the leader LOL

      I use to wonder how they could be so out of touch with their immigration policies and now I realize it is the same with spending and even with which people and personalities to pick to lead the party. They are completely detached from reality at this point.

    3. Elegant-Tangerine-54 on

      “if he resigns”

      Justin’s evasion is making the Liberal party look weak and ineffectual to the point where they are beyond saving in 2025. Anyone with aspirations to be PM under the Liberal banner would be well advised to wait until after the next election.

    4. That would be an extremely tone deaf move. After her Disney + and “vibecession” comments she’s probably less liked than Trudeau is. Even my incredibly liberal coworkers hate her and refuse to support her.

    5. ViewWinter8951 on

      Freeland wouldn’t stand a chance in an election. She’s basically written her own attack ads against herself.

      “Disney+”, “Vibe-session”, all the bobble-head videos, plus all of Trudeau’s baggage.

      She would be the next Kim Campbell except no one would feel sorry for her.

      Like Carney, she’d be a fool to run for leadership until after the LPC gets destroyed in the next election.

    6. _GregTheGreat_ on

      Thinking that coronating Freeland would fix their issues is the exact out of touch thinking that is plaguing the Liberals currently.

      Even after this messy split, she’s still viewed as being Trudeau’s closest lieutenant in these last years. She was literally his deputy PM. You can literally just replace Trudeau’s name with Freeland on the attack ads and nothing would functionally change, because she is just as tied to the government as he is

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