Karte der niederländischen Parlamentswahl 2023

Von Confalt_Maping


  1. Severe_Interest200 on

    “Big day for Dutch voters, check out the cool election map!”

  2. budapestersalat on

    Good example of how land does not vote.
    Also, that maps showing the plurality winner, although not completely useless, are not going to give you a good picture of how the people voted

  3. Fearless-Sherbert-34 on

    Where could I get the topojson data for netherlands electoral districts?

  4. I always see Dutch people refer to Urk as this crazy right wing/far right stronghold but here it doesn’t seem to be the case?

  5. YuongPanda on

    these americanised maps don’t work for the Dutch system. it makes no sense to colour an entire municipality as one political party because NL has a coalition government.

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