Watchdog greift in Sprossenstreit zwischen Yorkshire-Bauern und Aldi über 3,7 Millionen Pfund ein

Von F0urLeafCl0ver


  1. Imagine taking a client to court over stopping buying stuff from you.
    Farmers sound a bit too entitled lately.

    Moan about having to pay half the tax normal people pay.
    Moan over the decision of someone wanting to stop buying off them after 13 years and so on.

  2. RedFox3001 on

    I literally just did this. I had a customer cancel a job on the day I was due to start. We had a written agreement, everything was documented.

    I made a large business loss. Had to pay wages, arrange returns and personally lost my wages for the day.
    I tried to rearrange work and mitigate my losses as far as possible.

    I decided to pursue it. We agreed a settlement out of court.
    I was pretty sure I would win if it did go to court after taking legal advice.

    Turns out you can’t just order stuff then cancel the agreement causing an undue loss without following a procedure or giving enough notice.

  3. BaseballParking9182 on

    Farmers get no sympathy in afraid after the way they have been acting recently

    This is called karma

  4. Jolly_Constant_4913 on

    Reminds me of when I worked for SPEEDIBAKE BRADFORD (hope this appears in search results). They must plan their production lines obviously. I was on 6pm-6am shift. Suddenly 3am in the morning, whoever is agency go home, permanent workers stay because that’s production done for today. Bear in mind this is a place in the sticks with no public transport. At that time you can’t even get to a main road and get a bus.
    Some people get picked up by friends/family. Others arrange to go home with permanent staff. We’re all people on nmw with no transport arrangements at 3am and we’re now 3 hours short of a 40 hours working week. I walked a mile in the dark to get to a main road and call a taxi. Thankfully this taxi driver felt sorry for me, stopped and took me home.

    Pretty sht of Aldi and this story reminds me of that. Companies use their resources to screw people over without a second thought.

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