Karte der am häufigsten geflogenen Fluggesellschaft in jedem Bundesstaat

Von Samsfax2


  1. The purple one in Connecticut and Delaware is Avelo, which is also the only airline to fly to Delaware, because most Delawareans will use the Salisbury or Philadelphia airport.

  2. White – American

    Triangle -Delta

    Globe – United

    Heart – Southwest

    Blue Face – Alaska

    Purple Face – Hawaiian

    Purple with Lines – Avelo

  3. Kuckucksuhr on

    Dulles is a fortress hub for United, there is positively no way American is the most flown for VA lmao

  4. Cornelius005 on

    I guess at least some of these are due to airline hubs. For example, I know that Detroit, MI is a major one for Delta.

  5. Mission-Carry-887 on

    Iowa surprises me. AA must have split DL and UA.

    The CO / UA merger didn’t help UA at all

  6. This is a cool map! A couple things that stick out to me:

    I’m sorta surprised that Southwest is the number 1 airline in Louisiana, Tenn and Missouri… anyone know why?

    I’m also a bit surprised that United isn’t more popular across the US. Although American Airlines having superiority across the US certainly makes sense.

    It’s cool to see Alaska airlines having supremacy in the PNW. But I’m a bit shocked that Idaho isn’t with Southwest or something instead. But maybe Boise is now a hub for Alaska airlines due to transplants?

  7. Ok_Yogurtcloset_2417 on

    As a delta snob living in Alabama this map is depressing

  8. tacksettle on

    Nice! This is like the electoral map though:

    United & Delta get the good states, everyone else gets trash states.

    Edit: some of you have never been to the south. It’s a complete dump. 

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