Die größten Bahnhöfe Großbritanniens mit den schlechtesten Zugausfällen werden genannt


Von Aggressive_Plates


  1. EastRiding on

    >Manchester Victoria has been the worst of Britain’s busiest railway stations for cancellations so far this year

    >About one in 10 of 10,506 scheduled stops were cancelled between January and November 2024, according to National Rail figures collected by train data website On Time Trains.
    This contributed to the north-west of England being the region with the highest rate of cancelled railway stops across Britain at 6.5%, with 611,047 cancellations

    Saved you a click

  2. FormulaGymBro on

    Would be nice if Labour could extend HS2 up north so the country was far batter connected by rail.

  3. TheOxalisDragon on

    Is there ANYTHING in this country that isn’t fucked up?

    I’ve been to France, Philippines and China and their public transportation systems put ours to shame!

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