Trump fordert von den NATO-Mitgliedern, 5 % ihres BIP für Verteidigung auszugeben


  1. Syny_Ragnara_UA on

    5% is insane unless you know an attack is imminent. Or you plan on deploying troops. 3% is sufficient in normal times, but I guess we are no longer in normal times.

  2. Ok_Type_4301 on

    This is fantastic news!!!!!

    The US will continue to aid Ukraine and the EU will be forced to increase its pitiful defence spending.

    Ukraine has won!!!!!

  3. HermionesWetPanties on

    The US hasn’t done that since the Cold War ended.

    And there is no reason to do it now unless he’s finally figured out that Putin isn’t a friend.

  4. Mbalz-ez-Hari on

    God he’s so fucking stupid. US over spends and it’s nowhere near 5%. Take that extra 3% and give your people healthcare

  5. Interesting-End6344 on

    5% isn’t in the treaty. He can’t unilaterally make and enforce changes like that on every other partner in the alliance. Seriously, I’m beyond sick and tired of his incessant bullshit.

  6. US at 2.9%, Trump the dump should set this as the goal, but he’s a fracking ass looking to sow division.

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