Polen droht, Netanyahu wegen Kriegsverbrechen zu verhaften, wenn er an der Holocaust-Gedenkfeier teilnimmt


Von PostHeraldTimes


  1. While other EU countries refuse to confirm they would arrest him at all

  2. pomezanian on

    as any law abiding country should do. I expect we do it just minute after he land in Poland

  3. ConundrumBum on

    So let me get this straight. Israel’s committing genocide. Russia’s protecting against what Germany and France called a “declaration of war” in 2008. And we’ve aligned ourselves with the ones committing genocide.

    Tells you just how backwards the West is and how much MSM Kool Aid we’re guzzling.

  4. ParsnipPric on

    How stupid are they. I think they announce that shit so they dont have to arrest the Warcriminal.

    If they really wanted to arrest him they invite him and then BANG! Arrested and off to Den Hag!

  5. Visible-Rub7937 on

    Meanwhile. Assad is Legally free to go anywhere he wants.

    Kinda pathethic

  6. Rosu_Aprins on

    Threatens? They’re stating that they will apply the international law since, you know, we’re supposed to live in a rules based order.

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