Menschen, die durch Macht und den Wunsch, andere zu beeinflussen, motiviert sind, neigen eher dazu, Fake-News-Beiträge in sozialen Medien zu teilen


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The study consisted of four separate experiments, with a total of 1,882 participants who were presented with a series of real and fake social media posts. Participants selected posts to indicate they would be inclined to share them on social media. They also completed measures of their power values (abstract life guides related to power, influence and wealth), their personality (in terms of the dominance trait), desire to post on social media to influence others, and, in one study, satisfaction with the level of power attained through sharing information.
    >The researchers found that people motivated by power were more likely to share fake news, but no more likely to share real news.
    >People who scored highly on a measure of dominance shared more fake news in the experiment, and were also more likely to report having knowingly shared misinformation in the recent past, which may suggest they were aware of the unreliable information they shared, but chose to continue doing so anyway.

    Paper: [Why do people share (mis)information? Power motives in social media – ScienceDirect](

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