Neue Diamanttechnologie könnte Signale des am weitesten entfernten Raumschiffs der Menschheit um das 1000-fache verstärken | Dieser Diamant verfügt über ein einzigartiges Spinsystem, das es ihm ermöglicht, schwache Signale bei Raumtemperatur zu verstärken.
Maybe we should not. Like late Stephen Hawking once said when questioned about alien lifeforms “Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach,”
And let’s guess, it can’t use the artificial diamonds we can create at normal temps and such – it can ONLY be blood diamonds that they turn purple that are mined deep in the caves of Africa so that the DeBeers family is solely able to get. SMH… was waiting for that in the article /s
Do the journalists not realize space is not room temperature?
Awesome, all we need to do now is heat up space to room temperature!
Edit: and after posting I went and read the article, it’s for ground stations on Earth which is much more useful. Remember kids, never let having no facts stop you from having an opinion!