Kleckskopffisch und Amphibienmaus gehören zu den 27 neuen Arten, die bei einer „aufregenden“ Peru-Expedition gefunden wurden


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  1. critiqueextension on

    The recent discovery of 27 new species in Peru, including the amphibious mouse and blob-headed fish, stems from a 38-day expedition, which recorded over 2,000 species total. Notably, the expedition, conducted in 2022, highlights the ongoing biodiversity of the Amazon, even as many of the species discovered are considered endangered.

    * [An amphibious mouse, a blob-headed fish and a rain frog: Researchers …](https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/12/20/an-amphibious-mouse-a-blob-headed-fish-and-a-rain-frog-researchers-discover-27-new-species)
    * [‘Amphibious mouse’ among 27 new species discovered in …](https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/amphibious-mouse-among-27-new-species-discovered-perus-amazon-2024-12-20/)

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