Putin lässt den antisemitischen Ton wieder aufleben und sagt, dass Juden die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche auseinanderreißen würden



  1. k4kkul4pio on

    Damn sneaky jews, next he’ll say something about their orbital space laser and then all hell breaks loose! 😜

  2. Revolutionary_Pen190 on

    Didn’t he say he was invading Ukraine to get rid of the nazi that are killing the Jews?

  3. Few-Succotash2744 on

    Sifting through this nonsense the reason to me is more along the lines of:

    Assad has been toppled – Russia cries

    Iranian Guard and Russian troops have been demolished in Syria – Russia cries.

    Russia now can’t keep it’s promises to the only remaining Allies it has (NK, Iran, Syria).

    And as history has shown Russia is never to blame so let’s check the charts who is the current global scapegoat:

    Ah yes Israel and Jews.

    This is also funny to me on a different note: blaming Ukraine for being Nazis while speaking Nazi text yourself seems kind of an awkward slip-up by bunker grandpa.

    Maybe they don’t give a shit anymore? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Cry me a river putin, just take the damn gun already, hold it to your temple and 5 pounds of pressure is all it takes.

    Edit: spelling mistakes

  4. lithuanian_potatfan on

    As if antisemitism was ever dead in russia. They wrote “The Protocols…” after all

  5. Shiplord13 on

    Hey Israel should totally take some of the weapons and supplies they aren’t using and give it to Ukraine. It would really piss off Khamenei’s pal, Putin if they did that.

  6. TheManWhoWeepsBlood on

    Oh yeah that’ll work, piss off the group that’s single-handedly dismantling all your allies in the Mideast…

  7. BringbackDreamBars on

    Ironic to call Jews rootless cosmopolitans when you are defending the same organisations that helped to destroy their communities and persecute them. 

  8. So, we are at the “rootless cosmopolitans” stage of Stalin’s regime. This means pulter will soon have a stroke, lie in his own piss for a day and then die.

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