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I simply don’t believe this to be true. I mean all news in the country except the CBC is conservative owned. That’s fine, but no one on any political team in their right mind would actually out that to any media.
I don’t currently feel represented by any party, but there simply isn’t any benefit to anyone who would actually know to release rumour like this even if they were true.
It’s weird. There are definitely policy issues where I think this government has had the wrong priorities, and weird interpersonal decisions as well. And there’s a whole online hate contingent (some actual people, many not-so-actual people, but enough actual people to matter) which is convinced that he’s the worst PM/person/being in existence. But it’s also hard to actually see him speaking publicly or talking to constituents and think that guy *shouldn’t* be leading people. He’s really good at that part of leading, no matter what the online hate contingent says (they always seem to “hate hearing people talk” based strictly on whether they are aligned politically with that person).
Maybe that feeds into his sense that he should stay on, and that he could turn things around if only he could have a chance to sway the public during an election campaign. There’s probably a sizeable chunk of people who respond positively to him when interacting with him directly but then get turned off as soon as they’re listening to other people talking *about* him, and he only directly experiences one part of that equation. He can’t see that he can only win over small groups of people at a time, and that they’ll turn against him again almost as soon as he leaves the room.
Glad we have a government with total focus on the coming tariffs about to nuke our economy in a month and not just about keeping their jobs or not
Totally fucking awesome voters get absolutely no say in who they want to lead us through this and we just need to be ok with this
At this point if Trudeau stays around into the new year it just takes this whole oblivious motif to a whole other level.
After seeing what happened to immigration and how long even basic reforms took (mostly election pandering) I honestly believe he may stay on.
Sounds implausible considering everything going on but this dude is something else when it comes to not accepting what others are feeling and thinking.
Let’s face it – PP is inevitably going to be prime minister. But… with the looming threat of tariffs, is now really the time for an election? This will obviously be distracting – and worse yet, leave us even more vulnerable to trumps insane tariff agenda.
I’m ready for new leadership, as most are. But I just don’t agree with the timing. We need to focus on averting these tariffs from becoming a reality.
>The third source, who said Mr. Trudeau was prepared to step aside on Monday but was talked out of leaving, said it was Mr. LeBlanc and Immigration Minister Marc Miller, two of his closest friends, who did so.
>This source said that the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, is leading efforts to persuade Mr. Trudeau to stay, adding she is putting calls through to him from people urging him to remain and none from people counselling him to go.
Interesting to hear Trudeau was prepared to step aside on Monday, but was apparently talked out of it. Makes sense as to why he hasn’t addressed the media yet. Telford remains the 2nd most powerful person in Ottawa behind Trudeau. Still would bet on Trudeau resigning by the end of the year, just a matter of before or after Christmas.