Laut Wissenschaftlern wurde Stonehenge möglicherweise vor Tausenden von Jahren wieder aufgebaut, um die britische Bevölkerung zu vereinen


  1. Scientists made a major discovery this year linked to Stonehenge — one of humanity’s biggest mysteries — and the revelations keep coming.

    A team of researchers shared evidence in August suggesting that the Altar Stone, an iconic monolith at the heart of Stonehenge, was transported hundreds of miles to the site in southern England nearly 5,000 years ago from what’s now northeastern Scotland. Just a month later, a report led by the same experts ruled out the possibility that the stone came from Orkney, an archipelago off Scotland’s northeastern coast that’s home to Neolithic sites from that time frame, and the search for the monolith’s point of origin continues.

    Now, research building on the two previous studies suggests that Stonehenge [may have been reconstructed in England]( around 2620 to 2480 BC to help unify ancient Britons as newcomers arrived from Europe. The new study, published Thursday in the journal [Archaeology International](, also reveals how Neolithic people may have moved the 13,227-pound (6-metric-ton) block over 435 miles (700 kilometers) from where it originated.

    Similarities between stone circles in Scotland and Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire on the southern edge of England’s Salisbury Plain, add to a growing collection of clues showing there was likely more connectivity between ancient societies in these two distant areas than once thought, according to the study.

  2. BlackWicking on

    dearest cnn, posting and keeping the light on after helping the anti christ on live tv is another set of cahones, yes it matters

  3. IAmARobot0101 on

    England: stealing artifacts from other regions since the beginning of time

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