Gibt es für mich die Möglichkeit, online zu bezahlen? Bin hier Tourist.

Von Chemical_Umpire4021


  1. Ordinary-Finger-8595 on

    It’s an invoice. You go to your banking app and pay the invoice with the information written on the fine.

    We’re not complicating things by paying everything through their own portal.

  2. finland_men on

    Wow 80e, highest i’ve gotten is 60e.

    And use the FI90 beginning number to pay from online bank, viite is reference number

  3. Do an international payment. You have the IBAN, starts with FI90, then the BIC – every European bank can support this, just Google yours. “Viitenumero” is “reference number” and you put that in the payment details when you pay in your bank.

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