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Boo fucking hoo. I see “accountability” is as much of a taboo word as “war” has been for past three years.
Didn’t they mass troops on UA border in winter of 2021 as a practice run for winter of ’22?
“If only someone had told me what a giant cluster fuck I was leading us into!”
“How was I to know that **my** actions would have consequences!?”
I wish that motherfucker the worst kinds of depression
>Had we known in advance that this was going to happen
And what happened? I thought everything goes according to the plan?
As they used to say: lol wut
I mean, we all know it, but this man is delulu, and a liar.
Nothing is true and everything is possible.
Damn, Steve R from BBC asking the real questions.
Remember when they held a gun to Putin’s head and forced him to start a stupid war? I don’t.
This is why they took Kiev in 3 days…
Obviously your intelligence isn’t upto much.
So in other words he says he ordered to start the SMO knowing they weren’t prepared.
Systematic, as in change the systemic corruption at all level in defence manufacturing and appropriations?
Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions!
“if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”.
this is just textbook propaganda.
soviets project all of their flaws onto others
Don’t you just hate it when you’re beating someone up and they hit you back, forcing you to use self defense?
I thought it was a three-day police action…
I hope he gets Gaddafi’d and is remembered by history as the horrible statesman he was. Took the European country with the most potential and turned into a backwater with a dying population, same economic weight as Benelux and lower salaries than Albania.
So, the 8 years between invading Ukraine in 2014 and doing it again in 2022 was just spent jerking off over the idea idea of a repeat invasion?
Why are you trying to discuss what he says using logic and reasoning?
That’s some high level of gaslighting there.
I’m sure Ukraine would have had second thoughts about giving up thier nukes if they had known what Russia had in mind too.
Putin has been losing his shit for the past couple of weeks.
I think he knows that even with Trump in the White House, he’s still going to lose against Ukraine. He’s floundering for Daddy Trump to save him
What a fucker. “ if I had known the rest of the world was going to actually show some spine and stand up to us, unlike with Crimea in 2014, we would’ve built out our war machine much more.”
Putin can’t be removed from the face of this planet soon enough. And the Russian society as a whole needs to go through a major awakening. Slava Ukraini
Well you can totally own Ukraine by taking your ball and going home.
“Why did you force me to hit you? If I’d have known you were going to make me hit you I would have worked out so you didn’t kick my ass.”
– Every wannabe tough dude, ever.
>”we would have made systematic preparations…”
Yes, you should have prepared for this by making a big note DON’T START THE INVASION on your super-long table, Mr. Putin.
Too late.
Ah yes, the mighty Russia is forced into attacking its neighbours. Obviously, your neighbours don’t get to chose their own way.
“USA forced us. By convincing us times and times again that this is a terrible idea”
TLDR: I don’t know anything about Kyiv’s defense because I have surrounded myself with Yes men.
This snake-in-the-grass has been preparing for this since at least 2008… and then he struck in 2014 and he has been preparing even more since 2014.
Why amplify his lies?
Another sign things are getting noticeably bad inside Russia then, he’s starting to make excuses.
Every country bordering Russia minding their own business. Russia: you are forcing us to attack you!
Always blame everyone but themselves Russia is truly narcissism in form of a nation.
what was the other gut hoping for continuous Blitz-winning who ended up with hearing only good news until his last day in a Berlin bunker? Some “never surrender” and “[my] fight, fight, fight” guy.
It’s clear the West should destroy Russia. Disarm and denuclearise. Split it up for centuries to come.
I believe that’s russian for: “I am surrounded by yes men who agree with everything I say or they fear I’ll defenestrate them, which I will”
They had a mighty army on paper, but the money was stolen. So, the glorious capitalist Russia had to reach for Soviet goods.
“If I had known Ukraine wouldn’t capitulate at the first sight of Russian convoys and had I known the west would outright not help Ukraine because I’d threaten them with nukes over javelins, then artillery, then tanks, etc etc I would have prepared better for a long war!”
But unfortunately Putin has always managed to set himself up as the politician who is never at fault for anything domestically, and in this case it’s not his fault Russia is at war and it’s not his fault it’s taking this long. Because Putins image in Russia is he is the guy who you call when someone fucked up doing something corrupt etc.