Deutschland versucht, das oberste Gericht vor der extremen Rechten zu schützen

    Von SnooSeagulls496


    1. TheGreatChickenman1 on

      Because politics and institutions themselves aren’t controlled by corrupt bureaucrats at all

    2. AlfredvonDrachstedt on

      It’s a pretty light protection. It takes the basic functions of the court, currently described in a law which could be changed with a simple majority, into the constitution, making changes more difficult due to the now needed 2/3 majority.

      It doesn’t make our system immune, at a certain percentage, undemocratic extremists can block many basic processes. Always remember that the Nazis had less than half the votes in the last fair election before they took control. It’s our duty to stop them before they get this far.

    3. Silver_Atractic on

      My brain is somehow conditioned to expect the comment section to be whataboutism like “But what about (insert group here)” and farrightist apologism. Great to see there’s only 5 comments now, so I don’t see that braindead stuff

    4. As long as the problems that AfD promises to address remain ignored by the current government while AfD is not a part of the government, their influence will keep growing.

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