Die NATO hat eine Liste mit zwölf entscheidenden Rohstoffen veröffentlicht. Ohne sie kann es keine Verteidigung geben. Kiew ist reich an diesen Rohstoffen. Den Landraub des Kremls in irgendeiner Form zu akzeptieren, ist nicht nur unmoralisch, sondern bringt alle in Gefahr. Es würde die Achse des Autoritarismus weltweit stärken
Von EUstrongerthanUS
Timing is interesting. A message by Rutte to the Trump team? Trump seems obsessed with peace for the sake of peace, like we have to stop a fight between two children in the schoolyard or something. Totally ignoring the geopolitical angle.
Kick Russia out of Ukraine!
And EU lacks deposits for most of these – or they are hard to extract. Majority has to be imported.
Ukraine is also one of the greatest producers of grain in Europe. To let Russia get hold of that is very dangerous.
They already used the grain they stole from Ukraine to prop of Dictarors around the world
Yeah, of course, “everyone is at risk”. Please, stop dragging countries that want peace into your stupid wars.
That lays a fundament for decent national weaponry industry in the future!
I respect the con but just because you can find some Cobalt in Ukraine doesn’t mean Ukraine is rich in Cobalt to the point that it somehow suddenly becomes a strategic region.
After some casual Googling it seems the only rare metal Ukraine provides to the EU is Gallium, and even that is dwarfed by Germany, not to mention imports as a whole.
I see pixels are also at risk. Holy fuck.
it would be nice if it was readable but oh well
Too bad with already ran out of image definition. Had to downvote due to how artifacted and blurry the image is.
Unfortunately, even the PDF has terrible image quality. Had do swim upwards towards the original source to find a [legible version](https://hcss.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Strategic-Raw-Materials-for-Defence-HCSS-2023-V2.pdf). It’s also almost 2 years old.
Does Kyiv also have the pixels?
I see jack shit in this blurry ass image
Yeah, let’s start WW3 now, fuck next year, fuck the climate, fuck the land which will become arid to cultivate anything on it, fuck EU and our economy and all the money that could go to our industry, fuck the cheap gas and oil, we should quadruple down on Ukraine’s government
You know they have it before ? In the cold war.
How they do it then we will do it and now.
Ahh the good old “let’s support Ukraine because we can exploit their natural resources after the war” argument. Very European and democratic.
For anyone that actually wants to read words, here’s a version with more than 20 pixels: [https://i.imgur.com/GSmnJiG.png](https://i.imgur.com/GSmnJiG.png)
The image is illegible.
All I see is pixelated text
At least 15 more pixels please – at least
Ah yes, now I can build my own fighter jet.
What is this, a graph for ants!?
Too bad no one can read it.
Funny that at least 138 people upvoted it, without even be able to see anything in this pixel salad.
I squinted until I closed my eyes. Fell asleep. Woke up and tried to read this again. Fell asleep.
Did you screenshot this with a potato?