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>__Incitement to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of gender should be punishable in Switzerland. On Wednesday, the Senate voted 21-18 in favour of six similar parliamentary initiatives to supplement the penal code.__
>The texts were submitted by women lawmakers from all parties except the right-wing Swiss People’s Party. They note that hatred and violence against women are unfortunately widespread. Social Democratic senator Mathilde Crevoisier Crelier also highlighted the upsurge in acts of hatred against women, and called for a clear signal to be sent out against such violence.
>Adding an additional ground to the criminal anti-discrimination law is not a solution. Current legislation is sufficient. It needs to be better enforced, argued Beat Rieder, of the Centre Party, for the committee. He was opposed to extending the standard, and feared it would overload the judicial system.
>Crevoisier Crelier replied: “Isn’t it an admission of impotence or carelessness to give up punishing acts on the sole grounds that the justice system can’t absorb them?”
>“Violence begins with words”, added Maya Graf of the Green Party.
FAQ in German:
>Parliament’s decision
>- sexism to become a criminal offence – the most important answers
This will eventually turn out to be a huge slippery slope.
I support the idea. But…. i have a question.
How do you even define that?
So, in the body of law, where everyone is equal, how do you define inequality and its punishment?
The dumb emphasis on political correction [redacted] makes my blood boil.
[redacted because stupid political correction]
Welcome to the game, I suppose? Sweden has had this since 1979, I believe.
Does that mean that they will start conscripting women into the army now too, or will the Swiss state be the first indicted? Or the state sponsored systemic sexism designed to exploit men in the country is somehow not *gender discrimination* enough still?
From a quick google search, Switzerland already has some laws against gender-based discrimination. Is this strictly against *incitement* to hatred/discrimination? Did they not already have a law about that?
What about sexism against men?.
Feminism is evil.
Switzerland is a country where men are enslaved via conscription. I guess gender discriminating slavery by the government however is not considered gender discrimination by these “human” rights advocates?
Ukrainian men are becoming casualties of war at an insane rate right now. Ukraine admits to 400k casualties. While the US government estimated half a million casualties, a year ago! That would be roughly 750k casualties by now. So as many Ukrainian men have died or been grievously wounded by war as have been born in the past 6 years…
The same would happen to Swiss men. Ukrainian and Swiss men don’t inherently have the right to asylum because of their war duties. The government will stop them from leaving and punish them if they are abroad. They don’t have the right to be free from torture. They don’t have even the right to live.
Swiss men also don’t have the right to decide to be parents like women do. They just have to hope the mother agrees with their wants and decisions.
Swiss men don’t have the right to avoid 18 years or parental responsibility or years of working off child support, like women do via abortion.
Nor are they protected as kids from genital mutilation like women.
I’m, sure there are a number of other rights they lack and discrimination that Swiss men face. Just as [neighboring German men for example, do.](https://old.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/1dpce2f/explaining_mansplaining_condescending/lahqp75/)
Which of these systematic types of state discrimination and inequality will be addressed by the progressive law against gender discrimination? Let me guess, zero.
Feminists want the opposite of equality… The word has no meaning when they say it.
Is this about legitimate discrimination, or is this about men in dresses wanting access to women’s spaces and that kind of stuff?
What the fuck
I don”t think anyone opposes this. The real problem is defining what exactly implies discrimination and correctly identifying actual discrimination. For example: is there discrimination in a computer engineeering firm with 80% males? And in a hospital with 80% female nurses? And 75% female doctors? Mining with 95% males?