Das Turmdach wird ins All geschossen, nachdem ein sowjetischer schwerer KV-2-Panzer etwa im Juni 1941 in Weißrussland abgefeuert wurde

Von jacksmachiningreveng


  1. wheeltouring on

    Man, it went so high they didnt even have time to film it coming down again.

    I had no idea the Russians were so good at turret tossing even back then.

  2. So the Russians won the race to space 16 years prior to when they said they won it. Such modesty.

  3. Ooki_Jumoku on

    The Russian turret tossing in Ukraine has deep ancestral roots.

    Someone should make a Captain Cookoff superhero for the Russian kiddies… so they know what their future holds

  4. So it’s not a design flaw? Russian engineers have been competing for turret toss supremacy for decades?

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