Unmittelbare Folgen des ukrainischen Angriffs auf eine Ölraffinerie in Nowoschachtinsk, Region Rostow in Russland



  1. MoneyWolverine9181 on

    More “Falling Debris”? Amazing how Ukrainian missiles are always designed to overshoot their target and yet when are shot down always manage to have debris rain down on the target and start it on fire!

  2. Ooh this is a good one! I should put this on for Christmas Eve instead of a Yule log.

  3. Goodness gracious ! I hope the firefighters find a safe place to park while they wait for the refinery to burn down. Do they get overtime ?

  4. HappyCamperPC on

    Send Russia back to the Stone Age. They don’t deserve nice things!

  5. Better_Challenge5756 on

    Does anyone have good information on the impact these attacks are having on Russian oil production and the broader industry?

  6. AdApprehensive4272 on

    Some debris fell after successful AA interception. Unfortunately the debris lit Sergey’s cigarettes and caused a minor fire.

  7. Swede_in_USA on

    in all fairness, where russia is headed, gasoline is likely not needed anyway.

  8. I’m no oilman, but I’m pretty sure that’s what they call a “smoking accident”.

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