Warum fährt die Straßenbahn 7 (Ruskeasuo) nur am frühen Morgen? Warum nicht tagsüber?


Von KH_Bipu


  1. moontrack01 on

    That route you’re looking at, Ruskeasuo -> Länsiterminaali, has 4 extra stops at the northern end, towards Haaga. If you press that “Ruskeasuo -> Länsiterminaali” dropdrown, you can select “Meilahden sairaala -> Länsiterminaali” which is the exact same route, but slightly shorter in the northern end, and runs the whole day.

  2. Because that is not the regular route of tram 7, but the new tram depot is at Ruskeasuo. So I assume this is the trams coming from the depot in the morning to start their daily work, and they’re taking passengers so as not to run them empty until the first official route stop. The regular route is from Meilahti hospital to Länsiterminaali.

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