Nachdem IU, NewJeans und andere Prominente am 14. Dezember Kaffee und Essen für die Demonstranten gekauft hatten, meldeten rechtsextreme Yoon-Anhänger sie bei der CIA als „antiamerikanisch“ und forderten die CIA auf, die Einreise in die USA zu blockieren


  1. SeoulGalmegi on

    This has ‘hagwon director threatening to call immigration to get your visa revoked when you refuse to work the Saturday shift that was never mentioned in your contract’

    Sure, use my phone!

  2. For anyone wondering why “anti-american”, that’s how the alt-right brains work in Korea:

    Left = “pro-China, pro-North Korea” = commie = must eradicate.

    The scary thing is that Yoon himself was watching alt-right Youtube videos almost every day, and getting ideas from them. He inadvertently mentioned his his conspiracy theories about China twice during his speech before the vote on Dec 14. A lunatic.

    China’s response to Yoon’s speech was funny too. Their response was quite literally “dude, wow”

  3. DeepestWinterBlue on

    I laughed out loud just reading the title. How ridiculous.

  4. Useful-Analysis3533 on

    Putting aside how stupid reporting someone over this is, shouldn’t they have reported it to Homeland Security?

  5. I don’t have a lot of familiarity with that particular alphabet agency but I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.

  6. fleur_and_flour on

    Also, the misogynistic Yoon supporters sitting out of the impeachment protests are bragging online about going around and claiming the free prepaid food bought by the (primarily female) celebrities for protesters. They go around telling the vendors lying that they’re protesters, grab as much free food as they can (up to 2 weeks’ worth), and then just go home.

  7. giantpunda on

    It’s amazing that they’re not even trying to keep the quiet parts quiet.

    “Mum! These Koreans are being mean to the the leader that you put in charge. Punish them!”

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