Die irischste Übersetzung, die mir bisher begegnet ist.


Von Equivalent_Cow_7033


  1. SteveK27982 on

    Uisce beatha for whiskey literally meaning water of life is up there

  2. locksymania on

    Cat crainn for pinemartin is pretty great, too

    Another, older, Irish for otter is dobhar chú. Dobhar has the same root as the Welsh for water, dwr.

  3. dark_lies_the_island on

    Smugairle róin is Irish for jellyfish. Translates as seal spit

  4. BlueBloodLive on

    Srónbheannach means Rhinoceros, but srón bheannach means blessed nose.

    I think anyway.

  5. shortfungus on

    Is whale the same in Irish as it is in scottish gaelic – muc-mhara?

    My lovely sea pig.

  6. Familiar_Witness4181 on

    madra rua is a fox, and madra crainn (tree dog) is a squirrel

  7. Responsible_Serve_94 on

    Préachán bán (Seagull) directly translated is a white crow.

  8. Marzipan_civil on

    In Dutch, snails are just called “slugs with a shell”

    Edit: I was wrong. Slugs are called “naked snails” (naaktslak)

  9. redsredemption23 on

    Bóin Dé (ladybird/bug) deserves a mention. God’s little cow

  10. VanillaCommercial394 on

    Féile na sé cosa = festival of the 6 legs ,a threesome.

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