China habe seine Atomstreitkräfte ausgebaut und die Beziehungen zu Russland gestärkt, heißt es im Pentagon


  1. Now it makes sense that our ~~Commander~~ Traitor in Chief has invited Xi to his ~~inauguration~~ coronation.

  2. Don’t worry, Trump’s ability to end wars within 24 hours through capitulation is not limited to the war in Ukraine. He will end a potential conflict with china just as swiftly.

  3. Lewis_Sassle on

    Like why though? There’s already enough nukes to destroy the world. At this point it’s just a bunch of dick waving that goes nowhere.

  4. Creative_Onion_1440 on

    China’s saw what’s happening to Russia and decided they also want to decimate their own population on the off-chance they might seize Taiwan?

  5. FarLayer6846 on

    I wonder what the drugs will be in the future. Back in ‘Nam, it was heroin; during the early 70s and late 80s, it was cocaine. Hopefully, it’s not Tucci and Xanny bars.

  6. Dependent-Bug3874 on

    I believe the next Trump administration is open to selling nuclear weapons to Japan and India. If true, then China will need way more than 600 warheads to survive a nuclear attack.

  7. After seeing the limp response against Russia when faced with nuclear threats, every sane nation with global ambitions will now go all in on getting nukes. It seems to be the best way to get your way in international politics. Sooner or later it’ll get into hands who can’t handle the responsibility.

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