Ukrainischer Raketenangriff auf den russischen Produktionsstandort des Raketentreibstoffwerks „Kombinat Kamensky“ in Kamjansk-Schachtinski, Rostow. 18. Dezember 2024

    Von GermanDronePilot


    1. BeltfedOne on

      RU Air Defenses seem to be active. And shit is blowing up. I wonder how Air Defenses are doing…

    2. fossilnews on

      Video cut early, but those felt like small explosions for a rocket fuel factory.

    3. RunningFinnUser on

      Nuclear war coming in 3, 2, 1, nope. Not coming. Talk about those red lines was bullshit. Yet Scholz for instance still says he won’t give Taurus for Ukraine because of escalation.

    4. Lots of AA in the area….must be important facility….too bad its exploading….

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