Vollständige Go Pro-Aufnahmen eines 19-jährigen australischen Freiwilligen mit dem Rufzeichen „LUPO“, der in der Ukraine kämpft

Von yimmyamms


  1. andersonb47 on

    Seen this guy a few times now. I don’t know shit about combat but he seems like a real pro, especially given his age. Very calm under pressure, communicates well, aggressive when he needs to be (I think). Pretty cool.

  2. kalmeknaap on

    Do you hear clustershells landing in the background? Sounds fucking intense

  3. Gobbhobblin on

    Always love the “I’m gonna skin ya” part. Good hunt Ukraine and all Allies as the brave guys

  4. Public-Discount1557 on

    Kinda stupid fighting a war for a country you got no ties to but I guess maybe the pay is good or unless they got some unresolved inner violence but o guess killing is ok as long as the majority of the internet agrees with the side they chose.

  5. backatit1mo on

    I’ve always wondered, guys like him that volunteer, can they just leave whenever they want? Like “damn that’s enough combat for me” and just walk away and get on the next plane outa town or what lol

  6. There are so many drones. Like I knew, there are a lot because of all the footage, but danm, they still come up so often here.

    Should really get a bunch of shotguns for the guys on the ground.

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