Meine Freunde und meine Familie hatten vor, Sarajevo über Weihnachten und Neujahr zu besuchen. Wir haben Flugtickets nach SJJ und eine Hotelreservierung. Die Sache ist jedoch, dass Sarajevo laut beigefügtem Bild die Stadt mit der zweithöchsten Luftverschmutzung auf der Welt ist.
Wir fragen uns, ob es derzeit einen bestimmten Grund gibt, warum die Luft so verschmutzt ist? Da auch Kinder mitreisen, sind wir um deren Gesundheitsschutz besorgt. Unsere Flüge und Hotels können kostenlos storniert werden, allerdings nur für ein paar weitere Tage. Daher müssen wir schnell eine Entscheidung treffen, ob wir nach Sarajevo kommen oder in ein Nachbarland reisen sollten (das würde mehr kosten, da es in letzter Sekunde wäre). Buchung, aber die Gesundheit unserer Kinder hat für uns oberste Priorität).
Von Mean-Consequence7024
Bolje je da odaberete neku drugu lokaciju.
It;s fine, just bring a mask with you.
Depends on the weather. The air could be fairly clean if we get some rain or such a few days before your planned visit.
Could also be pretty bad.
I wouldn’t, but that is just me.
Yes if you breathe CO2 and sulphur.
It’s not polluted everyday, we have smog for 2-3 days every other week.
However, better choose another destination for this time of year.
The best time to visit Sarajevo is during summer, more specifically in August during or around the Sarajevo Film Festival 🙂
I would advise against it, I also advise against asking the locals who live there because most of them are used to the high pollution levels. Some of them also have nothing to compare it to. Especially since you have kids go somewhere else.
Yeah it is.
During the winter high level pollution mostly happens late at night. During the day the air is fine.
Also Sarajevo is surrounded by hills and mountains therefore you got nice places to go to catch clean air.
I would rather visit in spring
The good thing is that it takes you 15 minutes and you are in the hills where the air is 1000x better.
The weather forecast suggests snow and rain starting Saturday. Based on my experience from the time I lived there, it lowers pollution levels significantly and snow covered Sarajevo is magical (I know, I’m biased, but damn). But snowy winters are becoming rare… Another issue, should it be polluted, there is a pretty high chance your flight won’t make it to Sarajevo due to non-existent visibility – add insult to injury, the airport is within the category where missed approaches aren’t possible due to residential areas surrounding it and the vicinity to its surrounding mountains. And it isn’t unusual for some carriers to decide to land in Zagreb (which would lead to an 8hr bus drive). In my humble opinion, it’s much better to visit between beginning of August and end of September. There are considerably better budget destinations than Sarajevo during Christmas and NYE (unless you like skiing, because it takes you less than an hour to the mountains with suitable offers).
Of course there’s plenty of things you can do. Usually there is wind which blows smog away. But there are also days like these with bad air. If you mind the smog you can always drive to Konjic or Mostar.
Nothing’s going to happen to you from a short visit.
Living in these conditions on the other hand…
It would nothing happen to you few days in this conditions, after all we live in it 24/7. But I would go elsewhere. There are much nicer places to visit + fresh air.
just bring in a gas mask 😉
I’d visit any season except winter where people heat themselves with burning random shit in their fireplace
Yes smoking is forbiden in bars 😂
Unfortunately not
No. You may grow a second head.
Idk about that but the trees have eyes
>No wind = pollution
So nobody knows when the wind will blow….
Please come and help us get the number one spot on the list. Apes, together, strong 💪
I’d skip. Pollution aside the town is just plain ugly when there’s no snow and the fog gets thick. In addition, December and January always have several days with cancelled flights due to low visibility. Finally, if you’re aiming for a Christmas atmosphere, there are better picks.
Being your ww2 issued gas mask and you will be fine!
It’s ok if you want to meet my rahmetli grandpa
It’s not
Yes, if you are from Delhi.
Nothing is gonna happen to you if you breathe polluted air for 7 days.