Seit dem Jahr 2000 sind die Mordraten in Europa stark gesunken, während sie sich in den Vereinigten Staaten kaum verändert haben

Von Skittels0


  1. No_Individual_6528 on

    Now do EU. Could be a lot of things with completely different situations. Or say North America.

  2. Do these numbers include Russia? Most western european countries are around 1.

    I suspect most of the decrease in Europe is Eastern Europe becoming wealthier and more stable excluding the Ukraine situation.

  3. I think not having 1.2 guns per capita might have something to do with it.

    EDIT: People mention Switzerland, but majority of guns there are owned by conscripts or former soldiers who are required to keep their service rifles for national defense but under strict conditions.

    EDIT 2: Also, the gun ownership rate in Suisse is 0.28 per capita.

  4. Miserable-Ad-7947 on

    FYI this includes former soviet union countries.

    in western Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, France, etc) it’s close to or below 1/100k

  5. Kronos9898 on

    While true, this needs context. Violent crime in the US is way down in the past 50 years, and until the COVID spike it was the lowest I had been since the 60s

    It has resumed it decline in recent years, but it’s too early to tell if it’s a resumption of a trend. It’s actually a huge success story for a country as ethnically diverse with as many guns as it has that we were coming within 1.5 per 100k as smaller, more homogenous less firearms ownership European countries.

  6. Gatholig-Criostach on

    Most of those in Europe were me though.

    I’ve stoped now so it’s gonna be lower.

  7. EbolaaPancakes on

    I’m a gun owner in America. I carry one every day. I still believe that a majority of gun owners are fucking dumbasses and should not be able to own one.

    We see it over and over and over again. Some idiot will get cut off in traffic, pullover, get his gun out and kill somebody over a minor inconvenience. We are a violent people.

  8. fan_tas_tic on

    The holy 2nd amendment that’s more important than life itself.

  9. Wait, so more emigrants did not increase homicide rates overall? Wow, the right will surely apologise now and dont push this narrative amymore.

  10. Common_Brick_8222 on

    “Guns don’t kill people, death kills people, ask your Doctor it’s a medical fact” (c) Some random dude

  11. So you either have low homicide rate or GDP growth. Guys, you know what to do…

  12. StanisLemovsky on

    Simple: A strong social state prevents crime. Europe has been dominated by social democratic ideas not even the neoliberals have managed destroy until now (though they’re working hard on it), and those ideas have led to a better distribution of wealth. It’s also helpful to have structures to quickly integrate immigrants rather than exploit them as illegal workers or leave them to themselves entirely. If everyone has something to lose, organized crime has much lower influence and there are much fewer crimes out of desperation. Unfortunately, with the rise of the far-right in an unholy alliance with libertarian predatory capitalism, this will likely change soon.

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